日期Date |
主講人Speaker |
講題Title |
演講錄影Video | 簡報檔PPT |
2007/12/28 |
Prof. Chang-Hoi Ho |
Is Climate Change in Asia-Pacific Attributed to Human Activities? |
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Prof. Dong-Ping Wang |
Hurricane Katrina: winds, waves and currents |
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2007/12/25 |
Prof. Ching-Yuang Huang 黃清勇 教授 |
Impact of GPS RO Data Assimilation on Regional Weather Prediction |
2007/12/18 |
Ms. Ching-Yee Chang 張靜宜 小姐 |
Tropical Atlantic Variability |
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2007/12/17 |
Prof. Song-You Hong |
Interaction between the boundary layer and precipitation physics |
Numerical simulation of high-impact weather over East Asia |
2007/12/11 |
Prof. Xiaolei Zou |
In-Cloud Temperature Profile Retrieval Using COSMIC GPS RO Data |
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2007/12/05 |
Prof. Jin-Yi Yu |
ENSO-basic state interactions |
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2007/11/30 |
Dr. Gordon McBean |
The Impact of Climate Change and Corresponding Countermeasures |
2007/11/27 |
Dr. David C.-P. Pu. 蒲金標 博士 |
航空氣象與飛航安全簡介 |
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2007/11/22 |
Prof. Adam H. Sobel |
Large-scale influences on interannual TC variability |
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2007/11/20 |
Dr. Michael Guan 官文霖 博士 |
The study of weather hazards on the aviation safety. (Perspective view from the accident investigator) 危害天氣對飛航安全之影響與分析 |
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2007/10/31 |
Dr. Hsiao-ming Hsu 徐曉明 博士 |
Numerical Simulations of North Africa Duststorms. |
Scale-Invariance in Atmospheric Data. |
2007/10/30 |
Prof. Po-Hsiung Lin 林博雄 教授 |
2007年西南氣流天氣實驗期間之飛航天氣觀測與雷暴移行特徵 |
2007/10/24 |
Dr. Yuanfu Xie 謝元富 博士 |
Current GSI and STMAS status and preliminary results from radar data assimilation |
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Dr. Jun Du 杜鈞 博士 |
Is the weather and climate prediction deterministic or stochastic? Ensemble Forecasting: a new era of weather and climate study |
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2007/10/23 |
Prof. Chun-Ta Lai |
Use of stable oxygen isotopes in studies of forest-atmosphere H2O exchange |
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2007/09/04 |
Prof. Robert Fovell |
Microphysical Influences on Hurricane Track and Intensity |
2007/07/26 |
Prof. Pao K. Wang 王寶貫 教授 |
Deep Convective Cloud Processes |
2007/06/25 |
Dr. Wei-kuo Tao 陶為國 博士 |
The sensitivity of microphysical processes and their interactions with radiation: WRF model simulations |
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2007/06/15 |
Prof. Inez Fung |
Modeling Carbon-Climate Interactions in Global Climate Models |
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2007/06/12 |
Prof. Tsing-Chang Chen 陳慶昌 教授 |
Effect of Monsoon Gyre on the Typhoon activity in the North Western Pacific: Genesis and interannual variation |
2007/06/08 |
Dr. Jui-Yuan Chiu 邱瑞媛 博士 |
Learning about cloud optical properties from ground-based zenith radiance measurements |
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2007/05/29 |
Dr. Xiong Hu 胡雄 博士 |
山基GPS掩星觀測 |
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2007/05/22 |
Prof. Qiang Fu |
(1) CALIPSO and the A-Train: Space-borne lidar for global aerosol/cloud/climate assessment (2) Detection of Climate Change Using Satellite Observations in the Microwave Channels |
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2007/05/08 |
Prof. Yi-Leng Chen 陳宇能 教授 |
Effects of terrain heights and sizes on island-scale circulations and rainfall for the island of Hawaii during HaRP |
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2007/05/01 |
Dr. Qin Xu 許秦 博士 |
Recent Development in Radar Data Quality Control and Error Covariance Estimation for Data Assimilation Applications |
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2007/04/27 |
Dr. Chin-Hoh Moeng 林琴鶴 博士 |
Multi-Scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes |
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2007/04/26 |
Dr. Chi-Sann Liou 劉其聖 博士 |
Sensitivity of High-resolution Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts to Surface Flux Parameterization |
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2007/04/24 |
Dr. Chih-Chieh Chen 陳志傑 博士 |
Transient mountain waves and their interaction with large scales |
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2007/04/23 |
Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing 井建國 博士 |
Hurricane Forecasting in the United States |
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2007/04/12 |
Helen Mayer Harrison / Newton Harrison |
Works on Global Warming: 1974 to 2007 and ongoing |
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2007/03/27 |
Prof. Hung-Chi Kuo 郭鴻基 教授 |
季風合流區的渦旋連續生成 |
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2007/03/20 |
Dr. Chia Chou 周佳 博士 |
Response of hydrological cycle to a uniform forcing |
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2007/03/14 |
Dr. Hann-Ming Henry Juang 莊漢明 博士 |
Recent implementation of NCEP Atmospheric Dynamics |
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2007/03/13 |
Dr. Wan-Shu Wu 吳婉淑 博士 |
Recent changes to GSI 3D variational system: New humidity analysis variable and adaptive evaluation of the observational error covariances |
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Prof. Huang-Hsiung Hsu 許晃雄 教授 |
The early 1950s Regime Shift in the East Asian Summer Climate |
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2007/03/06 |
Prof. Shaw Chen Liu 劉紹臣 教授 |
Ozone Pollution in Taiwan: Local and Regional Perspective |
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2007/02/27 |
Prof. Jann-Yenq Liu 劉正彥 教授 |
Atmospheric Signatures of Solar Viability and Earthquake |
2007/01/24 |
Prof. Jean-Pierre Cammas |
Measuring atmospheric composition from aircraft. The MOZAIC Programme |
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2007/01/12 |
鍾高陞 博士候選人 |
Data Assimilation and Predictability of Convective Storms |
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2007/01/09 |
Dr. Jee-Hoon Jeong |
Impacts of Realistic Land Surface Conditions on Seasonal Prediction in Community Atmospheric Model 3 |
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Dr. Baek-Min Kim |
Precipitation assimilation of TRMM rainfall into NCEP R2 and its impact on the divergence circulation over the tropics |
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2007/01/05 |
蔡錫祺 博士 |
Impact of Saharan Dust on Tropical Cyclogenesis: SMART-COMMIT Observations and Deep-Blue Retrievals during NAMMA |
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Prof. Pao K. Wang 王寶貫 教授 |
Deep Convective Transport of Stratospheric Water Vapor |
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