日期Date |
主講人Speaker |
講題Title |
演講錄影Video | 簡報檔PPT |
2008/12/30 |
Prof. Norden E. Huang 黃鍔 院士 |
On the Applications of HHT for Climate Studies |
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2008/12/26 |
Prof. Peter Brimblecombe |
Impact of changing air pollution and climate on buildings through the 21st century |
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2008/12/23 |
Dr. Kwo-Sen Kuo 郭國森 博士 |
Characterizing scattering properties of concave ice crystals |
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2008/12/19 |
Prof. Kyaw Tha Paw U |
Numerical simulation scaling from the leaf to the region: ACASA/MM5/WRF at UCDavis |
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2008/12/17 |
Prof. Robert G. Fovell |
Some 2008 Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts |
2008/12/16 |
Dr. Peter May |
Polarimetric, dual Doppler and cloud radar observations for climate |
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2008/12/11 |
Prof. Wen-Yih Sun 商文義 教授 |
Numerical Simulation of Asian aerosols and Their Regional Climate Impacts: Dust storms and Biomass Burning |
2008/12/09 |
許瑞榮 教授 |
Typhoon, storm track, and TLEs(Transient Luminous Events) 颱風與紅色精靈 |
Prof. Robert Mason |
The Global Biogeochemistry of Mercury: Understanding Regional and Global Impacts of Anthropogenic Emissions |
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2008/12/01 |
Prof. David Raymond |
A Rational Approach to Cumulus Parameterization |
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2008/11/24 |
Prof. Jin-Yi Yu |
Verifying ENSO Modulation Mechanisms with the IPCC/AR4 Coupled Models |
2008/11/11 |
Dr. Ming-Dean Cheng 鄭明典 主任 |
Climate and Ancient Culture. 氣候與古文明 |
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Dr. Wen-Chau Lee 李文兆 博士 |
THORPEX - PARC (Pacific Asian Regional Campaign) |
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2008/11/04 |
范光龍 教授 |
台灣沿海環境介紹 |
徐曉明 博士 |
Spatial Spectral Structures of Hurricane Rita (2005) and Tropical Rainfall |
2008/10/21 |
Dr. Xin Zhang 張昕 博士 |
The current status of WRF 4D-Var |
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Dr. Hans Huang 黄向宇 博士 |
The WRF data assimilation system: recent developme and applications |
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2008/10/16 |
Dr. Duane Waliser |
A Climate Model Challenge With Signs & Expectations of Progress |
2008/10/14 |
Dr. Po-Wen Shen 申博文 博士 |
NASA Global Mesoscale Modeling, Concurrent Visualization, and Supercomputing Systems: Application to High-impact Tropical Weather Prediction ?? |
Prof. Brian E. Mapes |
Heaviest rain events in the 1998-2007 decade |
2008/10/08 |
Dr. Jui-Lin Frank Li 李瑞麟 博士 |
Comparisons of Cloud Structure between Satellite Estimates to ECMWF and GMAO Analyses, 20th Century IPCC AR4 Climate Simulations, and GCM Simulations |
2008/10/01 |
Prof. Osamu Nagafuchi 永淵修 教授 |
Monitoring of Transboundary Transport of Air Pollutants in East Asia |
2008/08/19 |
Prof. Yi-Leng Chen 陳宇能 教授 |
Favorable conditions for the development of a heavy rainfall event during the 2006 wet period over the Hawaiian Islands |
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2008/08/07 |
Dr. Robert Wu 吳震球 博士 |
GIS Application for Air Quality Management |
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2008/08/05 |
Dr. Fu-Lung Chang 張福龍 博士 |
On the new meteorological satellite-derived cloud parameters |
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2008/07/24 |
Dr. Wei-kuo Tao 陶為國 博士 |
Development and Application of the NASA Unified WRF |
2008/07/23 |
Dr. Shi-Keng Yang 楊錫鏗 博士 |
The Trend Analysis of Column Ozone |
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2008/07/22 |
Dr. Wei-kuo Tao 陶為國 博士 |
Using Multi-scale Modeling Systems to Study the Precipitation Processes |
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2008/06/27 |
Prof. Yi-Leng Chen 陳宇能 教授 |
Analyses of an Unusual Heavy Rainfall Period over the Hawaiian Island during 19 February – 2 April, 2006. |
Numerical Simulations of Island-scale Airflow and the Maui Vortex during Summer Trade-wind Conditions |
2008/06/23 |
Prof. Sen Chiao 喬森 教授 |
Numerical Investigations of a Down-valley Flow Regime during EOP4 of T-REX 2006 |
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2008/06/13 |
Prof. Yuriy Kuleshov |
Climatic Hazards |
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2008/06/05 |
Dr. Jens Wickert |
GNSS atmosphere sounding at GFZ: Overview and recent results |
2008/06/04 |
Prof. Andreas Wahner |
Reaction systems in atmospheric simulation experiments |
2008/06/03 |
Prof. Hui-Ming Hung 洪惠敏 助理教授 |
Aerosol, cloud and BBQ |
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2008/06/02 |
Dr. Paul Ciesielski |
Identifying and correcting upper-air moisture sonde biases |
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2008/05/27 |
Prof. Da-Lin Zhang 張大林 教授 |
Tropical cyclogenesis from merging vortices associated with ITCZ breakdowns |
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2008/04/23 |
Dr. GyuWon Lee |
Quantitative Precipitation Estimate and Forecast |
2008/04/07 |
Prof. Mali Wu 吳瑪悧 教授 |
Global Warming, Creativity and Futures Thinking: Art and Society |
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Dr. David Haley |
Global Warming, Creativity and Futures Thinking: Art and Ecology |
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2008/03/26 |
Dr. Huang, Ho-Chun 黃賀春 博士 |
NCEP Air Quality Forecasting System |
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2008/03/25 |
Dr. Wen-Chau Lee 李文兆 博士 |
TiMREX/SoWMEX Program Overview A Joint US-Taiwan Monsoon Rainfall Study |
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Prof. Ming-Jen Yang 楊明仁 副教授 |
A Modeling Study of Typhoon Nari (2001) at Landfall: Topographic Effects |
2008/03/21 |
Prof. Shu-Hua Chen 陳淑華 副教授 |
An OSSE Study for the TIMREX Field Project |
2008/03/18 |
Prof. Moo-Been Chang 張木彬 教授 |
戴奧辛之生成與控制實務 |
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2008/03/11 |
Prof. Tim Li |
Asymmetry of the Indian Ocean Dipole |
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2008/01/02 |
Prof. Ming-Dah Chou 周明達 教授 |
Cloud Diurnal Variations in the Maritime Continent During Boreal Winter |
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