日期Date |
主講人Speaker |
講題Title |
演講錄影Video | 簡報檔PPT |
2009/12/28 |
Dr. Si-Chee Tsay 蔡錫祺 博士 |
Aerosols, Clouds, and Monsoon Water Cycle Interactions: Perspectives from satellite and surface measurements. |
Dr. Otto Klemm |
Aspects of Air Pollution and Climate Change in Germany |
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2009/12/22 |
Dr. Kei Yoshimura |
Dynamical downscaling with spectral nudging and incremental interpolation |
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Dr. Lie-Yauw Oey |
Why is there upwelling off the northeastern coast of Taiwan when the wind is downwelling-favorable? |
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2009/12/18 |
Prof. Byung-Ju Sohn |
Upper tropospheric moistening processes and their consequences in water vapor feedback and cloud forcing |
Strengthened Hadley and Walker circulations under global warming conditions |
2009/12/17 |
Dr. Patrick A. Harr |
Typhoon Sinlaku during T-PARC: Re-intensification and Downstream Development Following Recurvature |
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2009/12/08 |
Prof. Jean-Pierre Barriot |
The ill-posed inversion of the Radon transform: application to fan tomography of the water vapor contents of the atmosphere from GPS slant delays |
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2009/12/02 |
Prof. Yi-Leng Chen 陳宇能 教授 |
Numerical Simulations of island effects on airflow and weather during the summer over the Island of Oahu |
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2009/12/01 |
Prof. Ying-Hwa Kuo 郭英華 教授 |
Atmospheric Remote Sensing using Space-based GPS Receiver |
2009/11/25 |
丁一匯 院士 |
氣候變化對中國水資源的影響 |
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2009/11/24 |
Prof. Julius S. Chang 張時禹 教授 |
WRF/ChemT: A new air quality model with new applications |
2009/11/23 |
Prof. Jin-Yi Yu 余進義 教授 |
El Nino without Southern Oscillation: A New View of Tropical Pacific Warming |
2009/11/20 |
Dr. Xiang-Yu Huang |
WRF 資料同化 |
2009/11/17 |
Dr. Xiang-Yu Huang |
The 2009 WRFDS overview |
2009/11/11 |
吳德榮 主任 |
颱風預報的回顧與挑戰 |
2009/10/30 |
Prof. Ping Yang |
Applications of radiative transfer calculations to satellite remote sensing of the atmosphere |
Atmospheric Optics and Radiation: History, Application, and Inspiration |
2009/10/23 |
Dr. Wen-Chau Lee 李文兆 博士 |
Overview of SoWMEX/TiMREX |
2009/10/22 |
Dr. Paul E. Ciesielski |
Atmospheric Mixed Layers over the South China Sea during SCSMEX |
Prof. Richard H. Johnson |
Fifty years of progress in Tropical Meteorology: a personal view |
2009/10/16 |
Prof. Wen-Yih Sun 商文義 教授 |
Numerical Study of Influence of Mountain Ranges on Mei-Yu Front |
2009/10/15 |
Prof. Wen-wen Tung |
On the multiscale analysis of Madden Julian Oscillation |
2009/09/22 |
Dr. Chia Chou 周佳 博士 |
How will precipitation change under global warming? |
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Dr. Jui-Lin Frank Li 李瑞麟 博士 |
Applying CloudSat/A-Train and ECMWF analyses to constrain and evaluate cloud, convection and radiation parameterizations in climate models |
2009/09/11 |
Dr. Guomin Wang |
Roles of Madden Julian Oscillation on ENSO Onset |
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2009/08/26 |
Dr. Cheng-Hsuan Lu |
NCEP Chemistry Modeling Overview and Status -- NEMS AQ Development |
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Prof. Everette Joseph |
Howard University Beltsville Center for Climate System Observation: Overview with Focus on New Studies to Understand Aerosol Impact on Climate |
2009/08/25 |
Prof. Everette Joseph |
Aerosol and Ocean Science Expeditions (AEROSE): Ongoing Ship-Based Observations of the Chemistry and Climate of Tropical Atlantic |
2009/08/24 |
Dr. John A. Ogren |
Aerosols and Climate Sensitivity |
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2009/07/29 |
Prof. T.N. Krishnamurti |
Impacts of Cloud Flare-ups on Departure from Balance Laws and Hurricane Intensity |
2009/07/07 |
Prof. Pao K. Wang 王寶貫 教授 |
Dynamical processes at the top of deep convective clouds |
2009/06/12 |
Dr. Melinda S. Peng 彭順台 博士 |
Characteristics of developing versus nondeveloping disturbances for tropical cyclone formations |
2009/05/26 |
張靜宜 博士 |
The Interhemispheric Thermal Gradient in the 20th Century |
2009/05/25 |
Dr. David Lary |
Using Machine Learning to Produce Seamless Records of Climate Gases from Multiple Sources |
2009/05/05 |
Dr. Yuling Wu |
Impact of land use change on the climate in multi scale processes in Southwest Australia |
Mr. Wei-Yu Chang 張偉裕 |
The Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution and Drop Shape Relation in Typhoon Systems from 2D-Video Disdrometer and NCU C-Band Polarimetric Radar |
2009/04/29 |
Dr. Fang-Yi Cheng 鄭芳怡 博士 |
Effects of Land Surface Characteristics on Meteorological Simulation and its Subsequent Impact on Air Quality Modeling |
2009/04/21 |
Prof. Cheng-Shang Lee 李清勝 教授 |
A Study on Typhoon Formation |
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2009/04/15 |
Prof. Cheng-Ku Yu 游政谷 副教授 |
Orographic Precipitation in the Typhoon Environment |
Dr. Chia-chi Wang 王嘉琪 博士 |
ITCZ breakdown and reformation in the moist atmosphere |
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2009/04/14 |
Gerelmaa Dashnyam |
Applying Satellite Remote Sensing Observations to Analyze Aerosol Characteristics over Asian Region |
2009/04/10 |
Dr. Wei-Kuo Tao 陶為國 博士 |
Impact of the Microphysics on Hurricane Development, and Aerosol-Precipitation Interaction |
2009/04/07 |
Dr. Winston Cheng-Wen Chao 趙振文 博士 |
The Origins of ITCZs, Monsoons, and Monsoon Onset |
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2009/03/31 |
戴旭東 處長 |
面臨碳時代航空業的環境管理作業 |
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2009/03/24 |
Prof. Hung-Chi Kuo 郭鴻基 教授 |
二度空間亂流與計算 |
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Dr. Chi-Ming Peng 彭啟明 博士 |
天氣風險溝通 |
2009/03/10 |
Dr. Hann-Ming Juang 莊漢明 博士 |
The Development and Performance of NCEP GFS in sigma-theta Coordinates |
2009/03/09 |
Dr. Shian-Jiann Lin 林先建 博士 |
Ensemble seasonal predictions and medium-range deterministic forecasts of tropical cyclones with GFDL's prototype global non-hydrostatic cloud-resolving model |
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2009/03/03 |
Prof. Shu-Chih Yang 楊舒芝 助理教授 |
Representation and evaluation of PBL stratocumulus, transition and shallow cumulus in GCMs and Regional models |
2009/02/27 |
Dr. Po-Wen Shen 申博文 博士 |
Global Mesoscale Modeling on NASA Supercomputers: Preliminary Multiscale Simulations of Tropical Cyclogenesis and Madden-Julian Oscillations |
2009/02/24 |
Dr. Jui-Lin (Frank) Li 李瑞麟 博士 |
Representation and evaluation of PBL stratocumulus, transition and shallow cumulus in GCMs and Regional models |
2009/01/16 |
黃萬居 技監 |
環境決策過程的公眾參與機制 |
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Dr. Wen-Chau Lee 李文兆 博士 |
Supercell in hurricane Katrina (2005). |
2009/01/06 |
吳朝榮 教授 |
Kuroshio and its Interaction with Typhoon Nari |