專任教師 Faculty
Shu-Chih Yang
職稱 Position
特聘教授 Distinguished Professor / 系主任 Chair
學歷 Degree
Ph.D. University of Maryland
專長 Specialty
Data assimilation and prediction for atmospheric models, Meteorological GNSS data applications
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65515
傳真 Fax
Ching-Yuang Huang
職稱 Position
特聘教授 Distinguished Professor
學歷 Degree
美國北卡羅萊納州立大學博士 Ph.D. North Carolina State University
專長 Specialty
Mesoscale simulation, Air pollution
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65532
傳真 Fax
Neng-Huei Lin
職稱 Position
特聘教授 Distinguished Professor
學歷 Degree
Ph.D. North Carolina State University
專長 Specialty
Atmospheric chemistry, Environmental pollution
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65531
傳真 Fax
Yu-Chieng Liou
職稱 Position
特聘教授 Distinguished Professor / 地球科學學院副院長 Associate Dean of College of Earth Sciences
學歷 Degree
Ph.D. University of Oklahoma
專長 Specialty
Radar meteorology, data retrieval and assimilation, short-term QPF, precipitation mechanisms
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65521
傳真 Fax
Kuo-Ying Wang
職稱 Position
特聘教授 Distinguished Professor
學歷 Degree
Ph.D. Cambridge University
專長 Specialty
Atmospheric Chemistry, Environmental Pollution
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65553
傳真 Fax
Ming-Cheng Yen
職稱 Position
教授 Professor
學歷 Degree
Ph.D. Iowa State University
專長 Specialty
Monsoon meteorology, Climatology
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65538
傳真 Fax
Pay-Liam Lin
職稱 Position
特聘教授 Distinguished Professor / 學務長 Dean of Student Affairs
學歷 Degree
Ph.D. National Central University
專長 Specialty
Boundary layer meteorology, Mesoscale meteorology
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65509
傳真 Fax
Jia-Yuh Yu
職稱 Position
教授 Professor
學歷 Degree
專長 Specialty
Tropical Climate Dynamics, Air-Sea Interactions
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65526
傳真 Fax
Fang-Yi Cheng
職稱 Position
教授 Professor / 地球科學研究推動中心主任 Director of Earth Science Research Promotion Center
學歷 Degree
Ph.D. University of Houston
專長 Specialty
Planetary boundary layer meteorology, Atmospheric physical and chemical model, Air quality forecast, Land surface hydrology.
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65508
傳真 Fax
Guey-Rong Sheu
職稱 Position
教授 Professor / 環境監測技術聯合中心副主任 Deputy Director of Center for Environmental Monitoring and Technology
學歷 Degree
Ph.D. University of Maryland
專長 Specialty
Environmental Chemistry, Long-range Transport of Pollutants, Atmospheric Cycling of Mercury
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65514
傳真 Fax
Sheng-Hsiang Wang
職稱 Position
特聘教授 Distinguished Professor
學歷 Degree
國立中央大學博士 / NASA博士後研究
Ph.D. National Central University / NASA Postdoc.
專長 Specialty
Atmospheric Observation, Atmospheric Rasiation, Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interaction, Air Pollution
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65527
傳真 Fax
Kao-Shen Chung
職稱 Position
副教授 Associate Professor
學歷 Degree
Ph.D. McGill University
專長 Specialty
Radar meteorology, Short-term forecast errors, Mesoscale / Convective scale data assimilation
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65524
傳真 Fax
Li-Chiao Wang
職稱 Position
副教授 Associate Professor
學歷 Degree
國立臺灣師範大學博士 / 美國夏威夷大學訪問學者
Ph.D. National Taiwan Normal University / University of Hawaii, Visiting scholar
專長 Specialty
Ocean dynamics , Large-scale air-sea interactions, Multi-scale climate variability interactions, Theoretical modeling and analysis on ENSO dynamics
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65568
傳真 Fax
Wei-Yu Chang
職稱 Position
助理教授 Assistant Professor
學歷 Degree
國立中央大學博士 / NCAR ASP 博士後研究
Ph.D. National Central University / NCAR ASP Postdoc.
專長 Specialty
Radar meteorology, Mesoscale Meteorology
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65567
傳真 Fax
Otto Klemm
職稱 Position
講座教授 Chair Professor
學歷 Degree
Dr. rer. nat., Habilitation, Universität Bayreuth, Germany
專長 Specialty
Physics and Chemistry of Fog, Aerosol Particles, Air Pollution, Micrometeorology, Boundary Layer Climatology
電話 Tel
03-4227151 ext 65534
傳真 Fax