畢業規定 Degree Requirements
學士班 Bachelor | 碩士班 Master | 博士班 Ph.D. | |
要求學分 Required credits |
128學分 128 credits |
24學分(含書報討論4學分) 24 credits (4 credits for seminars) |
24學分(含書報討論4學分) 24 credits (4 credits for seminars) |
修業年限 Duration of Study |
至少3年 At least 3 years |
至少2年 At least 2 years |
2~7年 2~7 years |
其他規定 Other requirements |
論文口試 * Pass an oral defense of thesis. |
資格考筆試與口試 至少一篇SCI論文發表,並為第一或通信作者 * Pass written and oral qualify exam * Publish at least one paper in SCI journals, and need to be either first or corresponding author |
✔Master's Degree Student Qualifying Examination Regulation
✔大氣科學系大氣物理博士班研究生修業辦法 Requirements for Ph.D. degree
✔國際學生申請文件 Application Documents
第一條 本辦法依本校「博士班、碩士班研究生學位考試細則」(以下簡稱「學位考試細則」)及「學則」訂定之。
第二條 碩士班研究生應選定論文指導教授、修滿本系碩士班應修學分,並經學位考試及格後,得提出畢業申請。
第三條 論文指導教授
一、碩士班研究生應於入學後一年內選定指導教授,並完成登記,若 未於規定期間內選定指導教授者,由系務會議協調之。
第四條 選課
二、對尚未選定指導教授之研究生,由系主任推薦系內一位教師為該 生之臨時指導教授,輔導選課。
三、碩士生除論文外,至少須修滿24學分,內含通過4學期書報討論 (課號:AP6003、AP6004、AP6007、AP6008)課程;且碩士班專 題研究至多認定2學分,書報討論至多認定4學分;非經系務會 議同意,學分必需全部為在本系碩博士班的課程。
四、凡全學年之選修科目,僅選一學期者,已及格之學分不得抵充畢 業最低學分數,但科目名稱以I、II區分者不受限制。 刪除
第五條 學分抵免依本系碩士班學分抵免辦法。
第六條 學位考試依本校「博士班、碩士班研究生學位考試細則」辦理。
第七條 其他
第八條 本辦法如有未盡事宜,依教育部及本校有關規定辦理。
第九條 本辦法經系務會議通過,並報教務會議核備後實施,修正時亦同。
✔Master's Degree Student Qualifying Examination Regulation
1. This regulation is stipulated in accordance with "National Central University Rules Governing the Master's and Doctoral Degree Qualifying Exam and Thesis Defense".
2. Master's degree student should choose a faculty member of the institute as thesis advisor, complete the required core courses and pass the qualifying examination. Then they can apply for the graduation.
3. The advising professor of thesis.
a. The master degree students need to find a professor as thesis advisor and report the department before the end of the first academic year. If the student fails to find an advisor before the deadline, the case should be discussed through the department faculty meeting.
b. An advising professor should be a faculty member of the institute
4. Courses selection:
a. The thesis advisor should advise the course selection for the graduate student.
b. The students who haven't found the thesis advisor will be assigned by one of the faculty members as a temporary instructor to help student select courses.
c. Master degree student should take at least 24 credits including 4 credits for seminar discussions (course number: AP6003、AP6004、AP6007、AP6008). Master's Special Topics can be admitted at most for 2 credits. Seminar discussions can be admitted at most for 4 credits. All of the course credits should be taken in the department. If the courses are taken in different department, courses need to be reviewed by committee of Faculty affairs.
d. If a course is two semesters long but the student has only taken it for one semester, any credit hours earned from that course will not be counted toward the student's minimum credits hours required for graduation. But subjects which name as "I" and "II" won't be limited.
e. Graduate students who doesn't graduate from Atmospheric Science related degrees should take courses "Theoretical Meteorology Ⅰ" and "Theoretical Meteorology II ". These courses cannot be counted for the minimum requirement of the graduate credits. If the student does not pass these courses, he/she has to take and pass the courses "Atmospheric Dynamics" or "Synoptic Meteorology and Weather Analysis" which are offered in undergraduate level.
5. Graduate students who wish to apply for course waiver must do so in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth in the Master Degree's Credit Waiver Guidelines.
6. Degree Examination follows by "National Central University Rules Governing the Master's and Doctoral Degree Qualifying Exam and Thesis Defense"
7. Others
a. Students enrolled in our department are not allowed to have duplicate degrees from different university or academic institution.
b. Master's students need to complete their course of study in 1~4 academic years. For non-full time students, they can apply for a one-year extension of their period of study.
8. Shall there be any issues have not been covered by this regulation, please refer to Ministry of Education and National Central University Academic Affairs Regulation.
9. These rules shall be implemented and entered into force upon approval by a meeting of the Faculty Affairs Committee and appraisal and ratification by the Office of Academic Affairs. The same procedure applies to any amendment of these rules.
✔大氣科學系博士學位修業辦法要求 Requirements for Ph.D. degree
1. 修業年限Years of enrollment
• Minimum year of enrollment: 2 years
• Maximum year of enrollment: 7 years (not including 2 years’ intermission)
2. 應修最低畢業學分Minimum credits for graduation
• 最低24個學分,包含4個必修學分及20個選修學分
24 credits including 4 required credits and 20 elected credits.
• 必修課程core course
博士班書報討論 seminar (AP8003, AP8004, AP8007, AP8008).
• 選修課程elected courses:
Minimum 12 elective credits for the following courses with course codes beginning with AP
a. courses for doctoral level of study (code beginning with AP8)
b. joint courses catering for both master and doctoral levels of study, excluding AP8011-AP8014.
3. 畢業條件Graduation requirement
A. 博士學位候選人資格考Doctoral Degree Candidate Qualification Examination
1) 博士班研究生應於入學滿第一年,最遲滿第三年內,向研究生事務委員會提出申請博士論文資格考,申請以兩次為限。未通過第二次資格考試者即令退學
Doctoral students can submit their first qualification examination application to the Graduate Affairs Committee by the end of their first year of study, but no later than the end of the third year of study. The qualification examination application is limited to twice. Those who fail to pass the second qualification examination will be flunked out of the doctoral program.
2) 博士班研究生未能於四年內(不含休學)通過資格考者,即令退學。
Doctoral students who cannot pass the examination within four years (excluding leave of absence) will be disenrolled from the doctoral program.
3) 博士論文資格考考試分筆試及口試。筆試須於每年十二月及五月提出申請,得於二月及七月各舉行一次。
The qualifying examination consists of a written and an oral examination. Applications for the written examination must be submitted in December or May each year and can be held once in February or July.
4) 非大氣畢業者, 建議修習理論氣象或大學部天氣學,大氣動力學或大氣熱力學
For those who are not majored in atmospheric sciences, it is recommended that they take the undergraduate courses, including theoretical meteorology, synoptic weather, atmospheric dynamics or atmospheric thermodynamics.
B. 學生畢業論文考試之提出須其至少有一篇於博士班期間完成的已發表(或已接受)為第一作者或通訊作者之SCI論文。
To apply for the graduation thesis examination, students must have at least one published (or accepted) SCI paper as the first author or corresponding author completed during the doctoral program.
C. 畢業論文考試須於舉行日二星期前公告於本所,並將論文初稿送達全部考試委員。若有違反上述規定,研究生事務委員會得取消該次考試
The graduation thesis examination must be announced to the department two weeks before the oral examination date, and the first draft of the thesis must be sent to all examination committee members. The Graduate Affairs Committee may cancel the examination if the above regulations are violated.
D. 博士候選人應於口試前一個月,將學位考試申請表(經指導教授簽名並附口試委員名單)、指導教授推薦書、期刊論文表、論文初稿、接受刊登之期刊論文、資格考試通過證明與成績單送系辦核備,並於系閱覽室陳列之
Doctoral students should submit their degree examination application form one month before the oral examination. The dossier of the application documents should include
• the degree examination application form signed by their advisor,
• the list of committee members of the oral examination,
• recommendation letter from their advisor,
• the form of their accepted journal paper,
• the first draft of their thesis,
• the accepted/published journal paper, and
• certificate of passing the qualification examination to the department office.
The application document dossier should be displayed in the department library.
✔國際學生申請文件 Application Documents
1. Autobiography (required)
2. Study Plan (required)
3. Research proposal (required)
4. Two letters of recommendation (required)
5. TOEFL or other evidence of English proficiency (required)
6. Related academic publications (required)
7. Evidence of Chinese proficiency (optional)
1. 大氣科學系博士學位修業辦法要求 Requirements for Ph.D. degree