
Summer program for international students

This post was most recently updated on October 18th, 2019.

================= NOTICE =================

1. Exchange students are expected to pay a registration fee of NTD 75000.
2. The exchange student’s application deadline for Spring 2020 is October 30. Please visit the website below for more detail about the application procedure and required materials.

中央大學暑期課程介紹 NCU summer course introduction (2 credits):

Week 1. Introduction to mesoscale dynamics (Prof. YL Chen)

Week 2. Precipitation physics (Prof. KS Chung)

Week 3-4. Dynamics/thermodymamics of convection (Prof. YL Chen)

Week 5. TC dynamics and vortex initialization (Prof. CY Huang)

Week 6. Role of topography I: interaction with the front system and MCS (Prof. YL Chen)

Week 7. Role of topography II: interaction with TC (Prof. CY Huang)

Week 8-9. Applications of radar measurement (Prof. YC Liou and KS Chung)

Week 10.  Applications of satellite measurement (Prof. CY Liu)

Week 11-12. Data assimilation for severe weather prediction

Week 13. COSMIC2 satellite and GPS RO (Prof. CY Huang)

更多課程資訊 More information: 下載 download


課號 課程名稱 授課教師 學分 時間/教室 選修別 全/半
AP6011-* 高等大氣輻射  劉千義  3 一567/R3-110 選修
AP6012-* 雷達氣象  廖宇慶  3 五234/S1-804 選修
AP6013-* 高等應用數學Ⅰ  廖宇慶  3 三235/S1-804 選修
AP6014-* 洋流與氣候  王儷樵  3 三678/S1-804 選修
AP6015-* 大氣環流特論  余嘉裕  3 二234/S1-804 選修
AP6016-* 雲物理之雷達觀測特論  張偉裕  3 二34;四4/S1-803 選修
AP6017-* 氣候與環境特論  林能暉、嚴明鉦  3 四9AB/S1-802 選修
AP6018-* 對流尺度同化雷達觀測與雲物理特論  鍾高陞  3 五234/S1-803 選修


課號 課程名稱 授課教師 學分 時間/教室 選修別 全/半
AP8087 季風環流特論 嚴明鉦  3 一234/S1-802 選修
AP6077 資料同化   楊舒芝 3 三234/S1-702D 選修
AP6086 大氣遙測 劉千義  3 三678/R3-110 選修
AP6101 空氣染遙測與應用 王聖翔 3 三5;五34/S1-804 選修
AP6078 氣候動力學 余嘉裕  3 二234/S1-804 選修

A list of courses offered in English (the fall semester):

Course Code Course Name Instructor credit Time/Building and Room Number Required or Elective Whole Year or Semester
AP6011-* Advanced Atmospheric Radiation  Liu, Chian-Yi  3 Mon. 567/R3-110 Elective Semester
AP6012-* Radar Meteorology  Liou, Yu-Chieng  3 Fri. 234/S1-804 Elective Semester
AP6013-* Advanced Applied Mathematics I  Liou, Yu-Chieng  3 Wed. 235/S1-804 Elective Semester
AP6014-* Ocean Circulation and Climate  Wang, Li-Chiao  3 Wed. 678/S1-804 Elective Semester
AP6015-* Special Topics on General Circulation of Atmosphere  Yu, Jia-Yuh 3 Tue. 234/S1-804 Elective Semester
AP6016-* Special Topics on radar observation of cloud microphysics  Chang, Wei-Yu  3 Tue. 34; Thu. 4/S1-803 Elective Semester
AP6017-* Special Topics on Climate and Environment  Lin, Neng-Huei; Yen, Ming-Cheng  3 Thu. 9AB/S1-802 Elective Semester
AP6018-* Special Topics in Radar Data Assimilation and the Cloud Physics at Convective Scale  Chung, Kao-Shen  3 Fri. 234/S1-803 Elective Semester

A list of courses offered in English (the spring semester):

Course Code Course Name Instructor credit Time/Building and Room Number Required or Elective Whole Year or Semester
AP8087 Special Topics on Monsoon Circulation  Yen, Ming-Cheng  3 Mon. 234/S1-803 Elective Semester
AP6077 Data Assimilation for Numerical Modeling  Yang, Shu-Chih 3 Wed. 234/S1-703D Elective Semester
AP6086 Atmospheric Remote Sensing  Liu, Chian-Yi  3 Wed. 678/R3-111 Elective Semester
AP6101 Remote sensing and air quality applications  Wang, Sheng-Hsiang 3 Wed. 5; Fri. 34/S1-805 Elective Semester
AP6078 Climate Dynamics  Yu, Jia-Yuh 3 Tue. 234/S1-805 Elective Semester

所有課程列表 A list of all of the courses:

1. 中央大學選課系統>課程查詢>依照開課單位查詢>大氣科學學系

    NCU Course Schedule Planning System > Search for Courses > Inquiry by Departments > Department of Atmospheric Sciences:


2. 大氣科學學系應修科目表: http://pdc.adm.ncu.edu.tw/rule/rule107/12/12-22.pdf