NCU Information Session-College of Earth Sciences
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgCl5emhisc 中文場
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i-4oNE5Y3E for English
中央大學的地球科學學院是台灣唯一的地球科學學院,成立於民國八十七年,是由原先設於理學院下之地球科學相關系所整合設立,包括本校民國51年復校時的基礎---地球物理研究所。經多年的成長,本院已成台灣在地球科學整合型的研究及教學的基地及重鎮。目前有地球科學系、大氣科學系、太空科學與工程學系、應用地質研究所及水文與海洋科學研究所、地科院學士班及與中研院合作之地球系統科學國際研究生博士學位學程,奉獻於認識地球、了解地球、愛護地球的教育和研究。 本院辦學力求奠定學生專業知能基礎,培養融合人文與自然之情操,育成實務技能及研發能力,期盼學生能成為高瞻遠矚且具有全球視野人才,充分發展潛能,未來能秉持學術研究、創造新知、領導科技成長,促進人類與自然永續發展。
【NCU Information Session-College of Earth Sciences】
The college places special emphasis on integrating conventional disciplines in earth sciences, including solid earth science, atmospheric science, hydrology and space science, in order to study more effectively the earth as one whole system. Our main mission is to educate students to achieve thorough understanding of both fundamental theories and practical applications of earth sciences. Studies of environmental impact and natural hazards from different components of the earth system are also important on our agenda. At present the college has about 850 students and 66 full-time faculties.
Please visit the website of the College of Earth Sciences for more information
NCU admission website
NCU International admission fan page on FB